package com.sromku.simple.fb.entities; import java.util.List; import android.util.Pair; import com.facebook.model.GraphObject; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.GraphPath; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Utils; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Utils.Converter; /** * An individual entry in a profile's feed as represented in the Graph API. * * @author sromku * @see */ public class Post { public static enum PostType { /** * Everything that was published (links, statuses, photos...) that * appears on the users' wall. */ ALL(GraphPath.FEED), /** * Link published by the user themselves. */ LINKS(GraphPath.LINKS), /** * Posts published by the person themselves. */ POSTS(GraphPath.POSTS), /** * Status update posts published by the person themselves. */ STATUSES(GraphPath.STATUSES), /** * Posts in which the person is tagged. */ TAGGED(GraphPath.TAGGED); private String graphPath; private PostType(String graphPath) { this.graphPath = graphPath; } public String getGraphPath() { return graphPath; } } private static final String ACTIONS = "actions"; private static final String APPLICATION = "application"; private static final String CAPTION = "caption"; private static final String COMMENTS = "comments"; private static final String LIKES = "likes"; private static final String CREATED_TIME = "created_time"; private static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String FROM = "from"; private static final String ICON = "icon"; private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String IS_HIDDEN = "is_hidden"; private static final String LINK = "link"; private static final String MESSAGE = "message"; private static final String MESSAGE_TAGS = "message_tags"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String OBJECT_ID = "object_id"; private static final String PICTURE = "picture"; private static final String PLACE = "place"; // private static final String PRIVACY = "privacy"; private static final String PROPERTIES = "properties"; private static final String SHARES = "shares"; private static final String SOURCE = "source"; private static final String STATUS_TYPE = "status_type"; private static final String STORY = "story"; private static final String STORY_TAGS = "story_tags"; private static final String TO = "to"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String UPDATED_TIME = "updated_time"; private static final String WITH_TAGS = "with_tags"; private List<Action> mActions; private Application mApplication; private String mCaption; private List<Comment> mComments; private List<Like> mLikes; private Long mCreatedTime; private String mDescription; private User mFrom; private String mIcon; private String mId; private Boolean mIsHidden; private String mLink; private String mMessage; private List<InlineTag> mMessageTags; private String mName; private String mObjectId; private String mPicture; private Place mPlace; // private Privacy mPrivacy; private List<Property> mProperties; private Integer mShares; private String mSource; private String mStatusType; private String mStory; private List<InlineTag> mStoryTags; private List<User> mTo; private String mType; private Long mUpdatedTime; private List<User> mWithTags; private Post(GraphObject graphObject) { // actions mActions = Utils.createList(graphObject, ACTIONS, new Converter<Action>() { @Override public Action convert(GraphObject graphObject) { String name = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, NAME); String link = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, LINK); return new Action(name, link); } }); // application mApplication = Application.create(Utils.getPropertyGraphObject(graphObject, APPLICATION)); // caption mCaption = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, CAPTION); // comments mComments = Utils.createList(graphObject, COMMENTS, "data", new Converter<Comment>() { @Override public Comment convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return Comment.create(graphObject); } }); // likes mLikes = Utils.createList(graphObject, LIKES, "data", new Converter<Like>() { @Override public Like convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return Like.create(graphObject); } }); // created time mCreatedTime = Utils.getPropertyLong(graphObject, CREATED_TIME); // description mDescription = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, DESCRIPTION); // from mFrom = Utils.createUser(graphObject, FROM); // icon mIcon = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, ICON); // id mId = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, ID); // is hidden mIsHidden = Utils.getPropertyBoolean(graphObject, IS_HIDDEN); // link mLink = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, LINK); // message mMessage = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, MESSAGE); // message tags mMessageTags = Utils.createListAggregateValues(graphObject, MESSAGE_TAGS, new Converter<InlineTag>() { @Override public InlineTag convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return InlineTag.create(graphObject); } }); // name mName = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, NAME); // object id mObjectId = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, OBJECT_ID); // picture mPicture = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, PICTURE); // place mPlace = Place.create(Utils.getPropertyGraphObject(graphObject, PLACE)); // privacy // mPrivacy = Privacy.create(Utils.getPropertyGraphObject(graphObject, // PRIVACY)); // properties mProperties = Utils.createList(graphObject, PROPERTIES, new Converter<Property>() { @Override public Property convert(GraphObject graphObject) { String name = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, NAME); String text = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, "text"); return new Property(name, text); } }); // shares mShares = Utils.getPropertyInteger(graphObject, SHARES); // source mSource = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, SOURCE); // status_type mStatusType = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, STATUS_TYPE); // story mStory = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, STORY); // story tags mStoryTags = Utils.createListAggregateValues(graphObject, STORY_TAGS, new Converter<InlineTag>() { @Override public InlineTag convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return InlineTag.create(graphObject); } }); // to mTo = Utils.createList(graphObject, TO, "data", new Converter<User>() { @Override public User convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return null; } }); // type mType = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, TYPE); // updated time mUpdatedTime = Utils.getPropertyLong(graphObject, UPDATED_TIME); // with tags mWithTags = Utils.createList(graphObject, WITH_TAGS, "data", new Converter<User>() { @Override public User convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return Utils.createUser(graphObject); } }); } public static Post create(GraphObject graphObject) { return new Post(graphObject); } /** * A list of available actions on the post (including commenting, liking, * and an optional app-specified action). */ public List<Action> getActions() { return mActions; } /** * Information about the application this post came from. */ public Application getApplication() { return mApplication; } /** * The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name). */ public String getCaption() { return mCaption; } /** * Comments for this post. */ public List<Comment> getComments() { return mComments; } /** * Likes of this post */ public List<Like> getLikes() { return mLikes; } /** * The time the post was initially published. */ public Long getCreatedTime() { return mCreatedTime; } /** * A description of the link (appears beneath the link caption). */ public String getDescription() { return mDescription; } /** * Information about the user who posted the message. */ public User getFrom() { return mFrom; } /** * A link to an icon representing the type of this post. */ public String getIcon() { return mIcon; } /** * The post ID. */ public String getId() { return mId; } /** * If this post is marked as hidden (applies to posts on Page Timelines * only). */ public Boolean getIsHidden() { return mIsHidden; } /** * The link attached to this post. */ public String getLink() { return mLink; } /** * The message. */ public String getMessage() { return mMessage; } /** * Objects tagged in the message (Users, Pages, etc). */ public List<InlineTag> getMessageTags() { return mMessageTags; } /** * The name of the link. */ public String getName() { return mName; } /** * The Facebook object id for an uploaded photo or video. */ public String getObjectId() { return mObjectId; } /** * If available, a link to the picture included with this post. */ public String getPicture() { return mPicture; } /** * Location associated with a Post, if any. */ public Place getPlace() { return mPlace; } /** * The privacy settings of the Post. */ // public Privacy getPrivacy() { // return mPrivacy; // } /** * A list of properties for an uploaded video, for example, the length of * the video. */ public List<Property> getProperties() { return mProperties; } /** * The number of times this post has been shared. */ public Integer getShares() { return mShares; } /** * A URL to a Flash movie or video file to be embedded within the post. */ public String getSource() { return mSource; } /** * Type of post. One of: * <ul> * <li>mobile_status_update</li> * <li>created_note</li> * <li>added_photos</li> * <li>added_video</li> * <li>shared_story</li> * <li>created_group</li> * <li>created_event</li> * <li>wall_post</li> * <li>app_created_story</li> * <li>published_story</li> * <li>tagged_in_photo</li> * <li>approved_friend</li> * </ul> */ public String getStatusType() { return mStatusType; } /** * Text of stories not intentionally generated by users, such as those * generated when two users become friends. */ public String getStory() { return mStory; } /** * Objects (Users, Pages, etc) tagged in a non-intentional story. */ public List<InlineTag> getStoryTags() { return mStoryTags; } /** * Profiles mentioned or targeted in this post. */ public List<User> getTo() { return mTo; } /** * A string indicating the type for this post (including link, photo, * video). */ public String getType() { return mType; } /** * The time of the last comment on this post. */ public Long getUpdatedTime() { return mUpdatedTime; } /** * Objects (Users, Pages, etc) tagged as being with the publisher of the * post ('Who are you with?' on Facebook). */ public List<User> getWithTags() { return mWithTags; } public static class Action extends Pair<String, String> { public Action(String name, String link) { super(name, link); } public String getName() { return first; } public String getLink() { return second; } } public static class Property extends Pair<String, String> { public Property(String name, String text) { super(name, text); } public String getName() { return first; } public String getText() { return second; } } public static class InlineTag { private String mId; private String mName; private Integer mOffset; private Integer mLength; private String mType; private InlineTag(GraphObject graphObject) { // id mId = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, ID); // name mName = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, NAME); // offset mOffset = Utils.getPropertyInteger(graphObject, "offset"); // length mLength = Utils.getPropertyInteger(graphObject, "length"); // type mType = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, "type"); } public static InlineTag create(GraphObject graphObject) { return new InlineTag(graphObject); } public String getId() { return mId; } public String getName() { return mName; } public Integer getOffset() { return mOffset; } public Integer getLength() { return mLength; } public String getType() { return mType; } } }